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We help people develop communication methods and skills, ensuring staff are well trained in how to present information to aid understanding and how people communicate the decisions they make, breaking it down into smaller parts as needed.

Perthyn has a communication specialist to support opportunities to use both assistive and inclusive technology to increase decision making and autonomy, offering communication assessments to establish what could benefit each individual, and loaning equipment to test it out along with subsidising purchases. Examples include -

  • Communication devices such as Go Talk 4 that are robust and offer audio and visual options to choose and associate words.
  • Perthyn-wide license for widget/IPrint
  • Robust tablets and software e.g. Choose It Maker, ChatAble
  • Touch screen PCs
  • Wireless switch kits to control items around the home
  • Talking clocks and watches
  • Easy remote controls
  • Eyegaze technology to control environment and communicate choices
  • Phone and tablet apps that develop visual schedules


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