Perthyn is a not for profit registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. We were established in 1995 in Wales. We work in both Wales and England and we are commissioned by Swansea, Cardiff, Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Powys, Nottinghamshire, Northamptonshire and Shropshire.
Our Strategic Plan is for the people we support to be empowered to be active citizens enjoying their life and having a sense of belonging.
Our Strategic Plan is to work in partnership, using our expertise and resources to provide high quality innovative and individualised services, so that people can contribute positively to their communities and to society.
Perthyn is inspected in Wales by Care Inspectorate Wales and by Care Quality Commission in England. They repeatedly report that we meet all of the standards set out in every area we work in.
Because they are independent here are some of the things they have said about what we do-
- People were supported to make decisions about their day to day lives and how they wanted to be supported. Staff used objects of reference, photographs and signing which assisted people to make choices and decisions.
- Staff knew the importance of seeking people’s consent before they supported them.
- The relatives we spoke with were very positive about the care their loved one received. One relative said "The staff are really lovely and I would describe the care my relative receives as excellent. I know they really like the staff and there is a stable staff team which is very important to them”
- The service involved people in the selection of new staff and considered their feedback as part of the recruitment procedures. A family member said " my relative gets to choose which staff they want to support them which is amazing."
- We saw staff interacting with people in a positive and caring way and that staff had time to sit and talk and assist people when needed. One person told us “the staff are very kind and helpful” and “they always sit and talk with me”
- We found that people using the service benefit from consistent, good quality care and support, and are treated with respect, dignity and empathy.
- People can be confident that their care and support is provided by staff who are safe and are competent to meet their particular needs
- We found that the service is very well managed. There is an effective management team in place with clearly defined roles and responsibilities